Deforestation has
brought the now experienced climate change. Cutting down of trees has
changed the weather patterns making the raining seasons
unpredictable. Unlike the past farmers cannot predict when to plant
as the rains may come or may fail. Other times the farmers will plant
hoping that the rains will be sufficient to enable the crops mature
but they find that the rains are too inadequate and cannot sustain
the crops growth. Among other factors deforestation can be blamed for
the increased drought in many regions. People cut the trees for
construction, for charcoal burning, and clear the land for
agricultural reasons.
The selling of trees is very profitable because
many parts of the world lack timber needed for construction. The
forests which are protected by the government are the places where
people can get trees after exhausting their lands. Getting the trees
from the government protected forests is a battle between the forest
guards and the tree cutters. Many forest guards as well as tree
cutters have died after picking fights in the forests. Other times
the guards are bribed and allow the tree cutters to cut the trees.
The issue of bribery has encouraged deforestation and this makes the
efforts of protecting forests by governments less effective.
have joined the governments in the fight to reduce deforestation. The
NGOs are providing funds to fence the forests with electricity fences
to make it hard for the tree cutters to enter the forests. The NGOs
also provide essays educating people on the importance of planting
trees and avoiding deforestation. Deforestation
will enable individuals know that deforestation will only ruin their
lives if not stopped.
provides essays on deforestation and you can buy them online from
this website.