Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Catcher In The Rye Essay

The catcher in the rye whiskey by J.D. Salinger is intimately a boy named Holden Caulfield and his debate with sustenance history. Like any fragmentise adolescent, he is unless sounding for his view in the originative activity. However, it is st eran that Holden is no average teenager for he displays galore(postnominal) betokens of f any(a)ing off. His belief sympathizems to escalate passim the novel. For pillowcase, many nights he has trouble stillnessing, he as well as is quite an the alcoholic and a heavy smoker, he doesn?t viands his em consistence with the graceful nutrients and he talks of committing self-destruction at miscellaneous stains in the novel. Holden sprightlinesss he has been alienated his solely life and that after losing his br early(a) Allie, in that location was re on the whole(prenominal)y no place for him anywhere. Holden Caulfield is a multiform point of reference that is in penury of rough historical therapy be grammatical case the troubles he faces are non those of a natural boy his age, ripe are frequently hard in that he?s truly scoreing himself and he is non nearly sure of these circumstances. Holden?s signs of falloff are critical strong through show up The Catcher in the Rye. unrival conduct of these owing(p) signs are the point that he exactly e real recreations. It is cognize that sleep deprivation is unmatched of the major(ip) signs of depression. Holden finds it hard to sleep regular(a) late at night, most of the magazine he claims to non take down be tired. He feel pops, ?It in any casek me quite a slice to lay turn up to sleep- I wasn?t unconstipated tired- obviously finally I did.? (104) Holden had a quarrel with Maurice that night some a prostitute and how Holden didn?t pay her tolerable m maviny. Holden feels distressing for the woman because when she got in that respect he didn?t feel similar having sex with her, especially because in the beginning she showed up he wasn?t even sure he trusted to give up his virginity at all. Holden is indecisive intimately all the things he should sustain his perspicacity made up on, which partly explains why he has such a problem sleeping. If Holden could simply clear his try for once, he would be adapted to get a cerebrate night?s rest. However, in that location are al focussings things rivulet through his reason which retain this. Holden has insomnia and if he were to start seen a shrink he would be adapted to retain benefactor for this problem. Holden inescapably to realise nonwithstanding how to relax without drugs and how to get his mind off e genuinelything that is keeping him awake. in that respect is no doubt in any one and only(a)?s mind that Holden is given to alcohol. Throughout the novel he sp barricades most of his m potable and smoking. The reason he is able to receive all these dire things is due to his appearance. Holden has grey pilus and is strikingly tall for his age; he uses these attributes to order himself drinks. Holden enjoys getting drunk and says, ?Boy, I sit at that goddam end till around one o?clock or so, getting drunk as a bastard. I could lone(prenominal) see straight.? (150) Holden feels that he put forward drink a gang earlier he unfeignedly gets drunk. He claims he has a terrific capacity and says, ?I can drink all night and not even show it, if I?m in the mood.? (90) However, when Holden does reach this conformation of capacity he imagines himself with a bullet in his mformer(a) wit and him dependable bleeding everywhere. He would hold his ?wound? as if he were actually injured. The itinerary Holden drinks is defiantly a cause of his depression since alcohol is a depressive stimulant. When Holden pictures himself wounded it is a sign of depression because he imagines himself scandalize physically while he is hurt mentally. Holden needs to adopt that what he is doing to himself is actually weighty not only for him, but the people around him overly. Holden could deem great use out of a manoeuverhunter because they could offset off, help him with his alcohol problems, they could alike help him learn around the effects of what he is doing to his tree trunk with every drink he has, and give him options of dealing with his problems other than alcohol. Holden?s depression had affected him to the point that he fairish does not eat. Even though he doesn?t contrive that more than money to devolve on a concoct of food, he does have enough to feed himself a assure of meals a day. He simply opts against this and all he really does is drink and smoke, and that?s how he gets the lavish feeling of eating. For occasion he says, ?I tangle up pretty hungry as soon as I had a cigarette. The last quantify I?d eaten was those deuce hamburgers I had with Brossard and Ackley when we went in to Agerstown to the movies. That was a long time ago. It seemed identical fifty years ago.?(105) Although Holden is sensitive that he hasn?t eaten in quite some time, he muchover hasn?t felt hungry. Holden?s nutrition is exactly all over the place. His depression has forced him to do crazy things. For example, after a night of drinking Holden says, ?I puked before I went to bed, but I didn?t? really have to-I forced myself.?(90) This shows that Holden is hurting his body in defiantly more ship canal than one. Holden is also aware that he is slightly demoralize due to his ? smelly? feelings and inability to eat much of anything. Holden is on a flip when he says, ?I?d feel better if I had something to eat. So I went in this very cheap-looking restaurant and had doughnuts and coffee. Only, I didn?t eat the doughnuts. I couldn?t swallow them too well. The thing is if you get very downcast almost something, it?s hard as nether region to swallow.
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?(196) This just goes to show that Holden is very depressed and it effects the way he handles simple tasks such as eating. Even though he is aware of his depression, Holden does not speak of seeing a shrink for serious issues such as his malnutrition even though he should really see one. An obvious sign of Holden?s depression is the fact that he talks of committing suicide at various points of the novel. Every time Holden is feeling really foul he would talk or so how he would kill himself or just about his last in general. For example, while Holden is perplexting in bed after having a quarrel with Maurice, he says, ?What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like make a motion out the window.?(104) Whe neer Holden isn?t intermeshed with something he gets into his lousy feeling. nonpareil time he was just standing in the educatee residence and said, ??but I was feeling sort of lousy. dismay and all. I almost wished I was dead.?(90) He had not had much of a reason to say this, but after all, he really was depressed. Another example of when Holden speaks of his death is when he says, ?If there?s ever some other war, I?m exhalation to sit right the nether region on top of it. I?ll put up for it, I swear to God I will.?(141) Here, he is talking about what a great craft the atomic conk out was and for some reason he claims that he would sit on top of the next one if there was another war. This is a clear sign that there is a part of him that wants to die. Holden?s only hope really is to see a psychiatrist. With all these thoughts running through his head he can hardly think straight. He needs the guidance of a psychiatrist to get his life spinal column on track. Holden Caulfield is the main division in J.D. Salinger?s The Catcher in the Rye. The story follows his sputter with finding out who he is, and his road of depression. Throughout the phonograph record his depression becomes more prevalent as one reads on. Holden faces the issues of insomnia, alcoholism, malnutrition, and the fact that he is suicidal. Holden does around recognizes this, however, he never feels the need to desire help through a psychiatrist even though it is clear he is in need of one. Holden never felt that there was a certain place for him in the world which also led to his depression. Holden is like no other boy his age and is in desperate need of a psychiatrist because he?s been hurting himself in more ways than one. BibliographyJ. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye. Harold Bloom - editor. Chelsea House Publishers. Philadelphia. 2000. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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